Hi, I'm Chloé
If you’ve been around here for any amount of time, you’ll know that for the past 15 years, I’ve been a custom paper designer & wedding stationer. I took my self taught watercolor skills and turned them into a business, creating floral and architecture inspired wedding invitations for brides and grooms all over the world.
Since 2008, English Tea Paperie has been my baby.
I’ve had the most incredible adventure, but if I’m going to be honest, I also experienced the highest of falls from the top of my own ladder.
Let's unpack and review
10 years into my business I began to feel the real weight of what I had built. I was overbooked. Imposter syndrome hit hard. The critics were loud. The competition began to feel suffocating. I just couldn’t get what I believed to be my “unworthiness” out of my head and my to do list never seemed to end. Day after day, I quietly heard the call to slow it down. And with that, my body began to deteriorate.
After months and months of severe chronic back, hip, and leg pain, I ended up having spine surgery. It seemed like because I had been ignoring the silent call in my head, my body decided to scream out in some poetic kind of fashion. Still, I remained overwhelmed, overbooked and did what I could keep my pain and surgery a secret out of fear of failure and the drive for success. But, the demand became too high. I couldn’t keep my head above water, and by the end of the year, I felt like I was drowning.
The pandemic hit and while scary and confusing, I sort of felt like I had the permission to live a little lighter, a little quieter. I dived into reading everything I could get my hands on about cultivating a more simple life, burnout, mental health, and spiritual growth. Little by little, I began to implement necessary boundaries into my personal and professional life.
Fast forward to 2022
Still in research/growth mode, and really learning to appreciate the margin I had put in place, I signed up for Go Teams on goandtellgals.com to reevaluate what I wanted to do with my life moving forward.
At the end of the program, I felt a strong call to take the next step and apply for their coaching certification. Accepted, I went in DEEP. I did the work. I cried (a lot). I went through highs and lows. I wanted to quit. I wanted to change the world. To the core though, I wanted a fresh start. I went quiet, I slowed things down (I mean, I slowed things WAY down to just 3 weddings for the next year), and began to really look at what was to come next.
I came out of coaching a changed woman.
Every fiber of my being is now telling me to put what I've learned through my burnout journey and through coaching and give it back. Share it with my audience. Share it with YOU.
Here we are! 5 months in. Welcome to Chloe 2.0.
So fresh and so clean!
As I get closer to my 15 year business anniversary (she's a June baby!), I can confidently say I am the best version of myself. I see what the other side of burnout looks like, while maintaining a growing and fulfilling career and I want that for you too.
Maybe the corporate world is dragging you down. Or you are a teacher, wondering how to manage all that is thrown your way. Maybe you're a creative business owner just staring out and feeling the heat. Or you are 10 years in and wanting to quit.
Wherever you are in your journey, sometimes things feel hard.
If you are struggling, know that you are not alone. If you are chasing the catch-up and never seem to make it even close to the middle of your To Do list each day, I see you. If you wake up every morning and feel like the day has taken over before your feet even hit the floor. I see you.
I believe we all deserve clear minds and a plan in place for intentional living. You can have margin in your day and still grow. You can make time for the things that matter most, while ensuring you complete projects on time. I thought those were all impossible and a lie. But work life balance can and does exist and I'd like to show you how!
A 90 day undated journal I designed to clear your mind, focus on what matters, and create the margin you need to live a life of purpose. Through the use of daily prompts, exercises, and guided reflections I used to change my own story, The Clear Mind Journal will help you feel calmer, clearer, and more organized in just 15-20 minutes a day!
The Clear Mind Journal is like no other journal on the market and I truly believe she is going to change your life.
Rooting for you,